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Check our list of the world’s 35 slappiest shops, where Spyfriends have added a ton of favorites in the comments.
Mach 3+ city intel for traveling the entire planet is here.
The B.L.I.S.S. List — a comprehensive index of Beautiful Life-Improving Spyplane Staples — is here.
In last Tuesday’s extremely popular Spyplane, Why Did We Go to Fashion Week?, I (Jonah) wrote about feeling momentarily lame for dumb reasons during our June trip to Paris — and transforming that feeling of lameness into a set of profound insights.
The trip was very cool, blessed & popping on the whole, though, because in addition to hitting the Auralee and Lemaire shows, as mentioned last week, we also saw a bunch of sick new clothes at small-designer showrooms, flicked up some vieux Parisien street-style virtuosos, and helped throw a wonderful party…
In today’s Plane we’ve got:
A quick commemoration of that party, with pictures of some of the talented & attractive Mach 3+ Spyfriends who rolled through
A tight recap of a wonderful day spent with one of Paris’s coolest and most gifted independent clothesmakers, who guided us through a sick flea market and also made me a beautiful jacket that has instantly become a “Top 3 Jonah Garment”
The coolest pieces we saw from other clothesmaking Spyfriends at their SS25 showrooms — with Classified-exclusive sneak-peekiolo pictures
Let’s get to it —
Our party happened at Le Mary Celeste, co-hosted with Saager and Karyna from Neighbour (earth’s best clothing store) and Tal and Eldar from Colbo (New York City’s second-best clothing store)…
We didn’t recognize ~70% of the people who showed up — always a good sign a function was lit — and, by definition, 100% of attendees had flavor.
We’re talking about cool-clothes luminaries and other culture-world GOATS including Spyfriend Danielle Haim, Keith Henry of Henry’s, Larz and Aida from Man-tle, Ametora author W. David Marx, Phil Proyce and Taylor Caruso from Lady White Co., Nick and Phil from Small Talk, slettermakers Laura Reilly and Emilia Petrarca, designer Julia Heuer, Glasser, Lauren and Chris Fireoved from Lauren Manoogian, Agyesh from Stòffa, Mia from 11.11, Oliver Church of Oliver Church Singular Garments, Nur Abbas of Gnuhr, Ryo Yamaguchi of Ernie Palo, Emma Songeon of the phenomenal Paris vintage showroom Em Archives, Brittney and Dwayne from Toronto’s Body of Work, Cecile from Paris jewelry line Sisi Joia, Noah Johnson, Nick Dierl, Connor McKnight, Joshua Shiau from Auralee, the Stockholmies Eric and Hampus from Nitty Gritty, Jukka from Tarvas, Shinya Makino and Koyo Tanaka from Maidens, Mark Smith Clarke from NYC clothing line Archie, Calla Haynes from Calla, writer Nathan Taylor Pemberton, Kathleen Sorbara from Chickee’s Vintage, Leo Gamboa of Levi’s…
And probably some people we missed. In short: GANG!!
The wine was great, the music was bubbling — courtesy of Yu Su, whose playlist you can hear here — and a ~5-minute rainshower only added to the sense of devil-may-care cosmopolitan élan. Leading up to the party, people kept asking, Is there an RSVP? And we were like, No, just come through. This was no Walled Garden baby. Our only hope was that a bunch of Spyfriends would come together and have a good time under Parisian skies. So when that happened and then some, please trust & believe we were in 🌻🐖🍷 hog heaven 🌻🐖🍷 going jambon.
Before we get to our SS25 Showroom Sneak Peekiolo —
Some rare intel for you:
• Paris’s Saint-Ouen flea market is rightly known as a must-hit treasure trove. But there’s another flea on the outskirts of town that’s a little rougher around the edges, requires a bit more luck & a bit more digging... which means that it contains an abbondanza of slept-upon gems, many of which can be found for the low at that. (People are known to hit this market and then flip their finds at Saint-Ouen for more 💶💶💶.)
Kindvibed Garment-Making Wizard and Big Homie Spyfriend Oliver Church knows the ins and outs of the place, so we were grateful that he met us there one morning, along with Shinya and Koyo from Maidens, the Mach 8+ Tokyo clothing shop you know from our Wonders of Tokyo Report… (Shinya-san told us a bunch of people have come in saying they heard about their store through Blackbird Spyplane, which is tight.)
As it turned out, Oliver, Shinya and Koyo were not the only Mach 7+ types in the mix at the flea… Circulating between vendors at one point, we bumped into none other than Spyfriend Emily Bode (above middle right), who was wearing pleasingly cooked black Bode Nikes and who’d come armed with an enormous totebag to fill with FLEA DIRT…
Fully cementing this market’s status as “Extremely Spyplaney”: