I think you’re on the right track here - I don’t think you can be a fred unless you’re trying. If you’re cruising around on an old mountain bike in shorts and sneakers with a grin on your face you’re outside the Fred/not Fred binary.

Similarly with architecture (my profession) - it sort of misses the point to critique a design that isn’t trying to achieve anything except basic cost effective shelter - you can only really get to work on something that’s trying and coming up short.

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Fascinating, because in Boston cycling culture, I've always known a "Fred" to be a cyclist of a certain age who is so experienced and practical with cycling (especially commuter cycling) that they leave all fashion aside--when you're young, they seem like your nerdiest uncle--but they are the old heads who know the most, and who will teach you everything you could hope to know about vintage gear. It's a bit like birdwatchers (sorry, "birders.") Too into the craft to care if they look wildly dorky to others. Maybe couldn't put together an ensemble, but never newcomers.

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Whoa have never heard it as anything but a pejorative !

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Maybe it's regional? Definitely still a little pejorative, but in an "oh jeez, my uncle is just like this" kinda way. A Dad with a System. A guy who has it alllll figured out. Figuratively, belts and suspenders. A bike with rearview mirrors on the handlebars and on his helmet, too. Surprising quantities of velcro. As I write this, I think I'm coming around on it over time, because it's so deliberately un-self-conscious.

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This is a tangent of web 1.0 lore, but the perfect Fred of the old internet (and the Metro Boston area) was Sheldon Brown (RIP). Check out his wild hand-coded website: https://www.sheldonbrown.com

Yes, he has a helmet with an eagle trophy strapped to it, and he's here to talk with you about gear ratios.

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incredible site !

rearview mirror on helmet *definitely* a pan-regional fred signifier meanwhile haha ; )

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May 25, 2022Liked by Blackbird Spyplane

The best communities find ways to be inclusive while simultaneously leveling up the Freds and Jerrys who come bumbling along.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Blackbird Spyplane

Kook gets tossed around a lot without much specificity, but I think the most meaningful use of the term (in surf culture) is an overly aggressive intermediate or beginner surfer - someone who is disrespectful and even dangerous for others to be around

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May 25, 2022Liked by Blackbird Spyplane

(Which feels close to your point about carelessness towards a culture)

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Yeah there’s a whole class of kook / fred behavior where it actually endangers people’s safety — i.e. the “dorky” transgression isn’t just aesthetic but also could hurt or even kill someone. That’s definitely a point where the parallels with getting dressed start to break down ;)

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May 24, 2022Liked by Blackbird Spyplane

This spoke to me as a member of the ski community in Utah --- the Alta lifers use the word "JERRY." I think you hit most of the angles of the concept, but I find myself constantly frustrated with a subset of clones who are so monoculturally dedicated to "not being a Jerry" that they aggressively gatekeep and shame based on signifiers that don't represent the core "non-Jerry" mindset. I.e., not having the newest or trendiest gear, even though a whole new ski setup could cost upward of $1500, and many of the people rocking the new gear are on "big ski" flow team! Another example is not skiing in an unsafe and aggressive manner, which these bad actors consider weak (even though it doesn't necessarily mean you're less skilled). These microaggressions crowd out others who are also lifers but have a safety, conservation, respect, inclusion mindset. What to do when bad actors weaponize these concepts and distort the OG philosophy?

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Very good point. There’s definitely a cycling equivalent to what you’re describing !

What to do -- Ignore them, rebut them, make fun of them, fight the blessed fight ??

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May 24, 2022Liked by Blackbird Spyplane

Your are possessed of an ingrained genius, seeins' how ol' Ronald has SERVED and continues to SERVE Billions and Billions.

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May 24, 2022Liked by Blackbird Spyplane

another banger 'sletter. at the risk of being pedantic, in phish-world parlance, "chomper" refers specifically to someone who will not STFU during monster jams (once heard two bros discussing careers in systems engineering during what would have otherwise been 15 minutes of mind-melting musical improvisation). the chomper is frequently an inept dork/fred/jerry/kook/etc., but often times is someone who should know better but might have had a little *too much too fast*. i only raise this clarification because i find that "chomper" is a useful and broadly applicable term in any live music context where some vibe-killing fool (or two) needs to be told to chill out and tune in to, you know, the music.

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Haha thanks for this! I saw this definition along with a different one where the inexperienced Phish fan “chomps” up everything the band plays, even lesser jams /renditions that a more experienced fan would know are only “mid” … ! The instability of language in action

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May 24, 2022Liked by Blackbird Spyplane

I’ll be forever battling “The Ronald Within”

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Stay vigilant

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