Can you recommend some poems that could be fun to recite after dinner? I really like this idea. For now I think The Summer Day by Mary Oliver could be nice
That's a good one. It depends on what you like and what tone you're trying to strike after dinner... but I (Erin) think poems with first-person speakers can work well, like "The Day Lady Died" by Frank O'Hara, "The Last Time" by Marie Howe, "I, being born a woman and distressed" by Edna St. Vincent Millay or something funny by Dorothy Parker
"The noise that does the most harm doesn’t come from clubs and house parties—the causes of many garden-variety noise complaints and violations....The two largest sources of environmental noise are transportation and industrial activity....Targeting the noise of individuals is ineffective, antisocial, and fails to eradicate the noise that really hurts people: environmental noise.... urban residents must understand that noise is first—and worst—produced by those with the most power. That means industry and infrastructure, not individuals. The only way to save our ears is to start talking to our neighbors about noise instead of policing them for it."
Seriously, all of the clearly white people disagreeing with the music part, please just grit your teeth and shove some foam into your ears or you are never beating the gentrifier allegations, I fear.... (I say this to help.)
Shout out to the guy who rides a cargo bike and blasts Gregorian chants round Prospect Park way in the mornings. Fundamentally changed my attitude towards Weird Bike Music Guys and now I consider myself one too (I am a woman.)
I get the slander about no show socks, but for me I wear it because I have a sweaty feet and I don't want my shoes to become stinky and cooked inside. I care about my hygiene papa plane!
I agree. But sometimes I want to have the style/look that my pants having a break just right above the ankle while wearing my derby shoes without the visuals of wearing socks.
rule that I would like to submit for consideration: no car a/c unless it’s literally over 102 degrees!! roll your windows down. it feels nice to have the wind on your skin and allows you to have some fraction of engagement with your environment. you should not be whipping around in a sensory deprivation chamber; let the world bleed in
I'm with you on almost all this - just not the blasting music out on the Underground. Mainly because it's almost always tinny-sounding, and we're cooped up all together, and we all have different tastes in music. Worst is in the morning, when a number of people are chilling before the onslaught of the office day. Rant over, thanks!
I love that S.A.C.R.E.D. mindset! I’m glad there are more of us out there. Also, pro tip for moving snails off paths if you live in a wet and rainy locale: give the little fellas a gentle tap on top of their shells before picking them up and moving them to safer ground. They’ll retract into their shells a little, ease off on their suction to the ground and you’ll be far less likely to hurt them!
On the point of solely interacting with people through “ID on pants?” It reminded of this incredibly cursed G**gle ad that’s been going around for a few months where someone is seemingly watching video of an influencer who says you’ll never find this jacket and then the person watching uses Google’s AI (🤮) to ID the jacket. We are barreling toward an even more antisocial version of ID culture where you don’t even have to ask someone. You just take a picture of them and have your phone find it for you. I really hope people’s natural desire for interaction curbs the use of that, but they’re pushing it really hard in the ads as this revolutionary way to shop that makes my stomach churn.
On the one hand it makes navigation online easier especially with how unhelpful search functions are now. On the other hand, even less friction when it comes to finding clothes online takes so much of the interesting part out of that process. Searching for something online can lead to learning so much about an article of clothing or any other crafted item out there as you weave through forums and websites related to that thing. It can be fun seeing a cool shirt then stumbling into way more knowledge about the history behind it than I bargained for just by trying to find it online. That same experience is even better in person, but plenty of friction online can produce some cool results.
there *is* something nice at its core, to do with "time melting away as you link with friends in a state of social abandon" -- but deeming it rude / uncouth? going too far !
i love throwing somebody a "great song!" as they walk past ("ID on the pants"-adjacent). hadn't heard the classic Everyone Nose (All the Girls Standing in the Line for the Bathroom) for a couple years until last night, and i brightened up, and the guy brightened up, and i think we both walked at least a couple more blocks feeling better than we otherwise would've
Suggested caveat for "no-show" socks: exercise. While BBSP finally broke me of my habit of occasionally wearing no-show socks with sneakers in my day-to-day summer life - for which, blessings upon you, it looks terrible - I run in a place where it is hot and humid and so (1) socks are a necessity and (2) my legs gotta be free, I don't want sopping wet sock a quarter of the way up my calves. Running socks ftw. ETA: And, unlike in any other context, I don't think it looks bad on me or anyone else. Similar to heather tees in the gym, I suppose.
Plenty of great running and cycling socks that are a nice height. Defeet is great, but lots of other brands which don’t hold sweat. Great for tanlines too.
I'm so happy to hear I'm not the only one completely irritated by people blasting their music! There's a water access only beach that I go to every summer, but I'm not going to go anymore. There's always at least one idiot blasting his music on the boat radio, ruining the scene for everyone else. I give up.
My thoughts on another very well-reasoned, thoughtful 'sletter essay (one reason why I'm more than happy to be one of your patrons), as the Old Broad in the room (celebrating my big Dragon year six-o this year) . . .
1. As a community radio DJ, but someone who also values quiet (which is the aural negative space that makes the positive space of ambient sound pop . . . balance, don'cha know) - I have mixed feelings on the concept you have presented in the 'sletter. I see both sides. I think it might be something that is context/situation-dependent.
2. My mom raised us to be practitioners of S.A.C.R.E.D. - she's escaped spiders and insects back to the wild all my life, and I do the same whenever possible. I think it does indeed make a huge difference in how we human beings respect and appreciate the other beings with whom we share the planet.
Haven't tried giving peanuts to our crows though - will look into the best way to do that!
3. As a former theatrical costume designer, I have been and will always be a steadfast supporter of getting clothing via second-hand, IRL methods. We are lucky enough to have excellent second-hand stores up here in Nevada Country (lots of Bay Area "refugees" up here) - and the cycle of second-hand clothing life is strong . . . but I find great things on Etsy and eBay also.
Can you recommend some poems that could be fun to recite after dinner? I really like this idea. For now I think The Summer Day by Mary Oliver could be nice
That's a good one. It depends on what you like and what tone you're trying to strike after dinner... but I (Erin) think poems with first-person speakers can work well, like "The Day Lady Died" by Frank O'Hara, "The Last Time" by Marie Howe, "I, being born a woman and distressed" by Edna St. Vincent Millay or something funny by Dorothy Parker
If you are angry about noise pollution, aim that anger elsewhere:
"The noise that does the most harm doesn’t come from clubs and house parties—the causes of many garden-variety noise complaints and violations....The two largest sources of environmental noise are transportation and industrial activity....Targeting the noise of individuals is ineffective, antisocial, and fails to eradicate the noise that really hurts people: environmental noise.... urban residents must understand that noise is first—and worst—produced by those with the most power. That means industry and infrastructure, not individuals. The only way to save our ears is to start talking to our neighbors about noise instead of policing them for it."
Seriously, all of the clearly white people disagreeing with the music part, please just grit your teeth and shove some foam into your ears or you are never beating the gentrifier allegations, I fear.... (I say this to help.)
Shout out to the guy who rides a cargo bike and blasts Gregorian chants round Prospect Park way in the mornings. Fundamentally changed my attitude towards Weird Bike Music Guys and now I consider myself one too (I am a woman.)
need this guy to spin past me some time !
This should be mandatory reading in grade school imho
I get the slander about no show socks, but for me I wear it because I have a sweaty feet and I don't want my shoes to become stinky and cooked inside. I care about my hygiene papa plane!
my favorite remedy for this problem is regular socks ; )
I agree. But sometimes I want to have the style/look that my pants having a break just right above the ankle while wearing my derby shoes without the visuals of wearing socks.
rule that I would like to submit for consideration: no car a/c unless it’s literally over 102 degrees!! roll your windows down. it feels nice to have the wind on your skin and allows you to have some fraction of engagement with your environment. you should not be whipping around in a sensory deprivation chamber; let the world bleed in
Wow this is the kind of unconventional thinking we like to see … will contemplate this one
I'm with you on almost all this - just not the blasting music out on the Underground. Mainly because it's almost always tinny-sounding, and we're cooped up all together, and we all have different tastes in music. Worst is in the morning, when a number of people are chilling before the onslaught of the office day. Rant over, thanks!
I love that S.A.C.R.E.D. mindset! I’m glad there are more of us out there. Also, pro tip for moving snails off paths if you live in a wet and rainy locale: give the little fellas a gentle tap on top of their shells before picking them up and moving them to safer ground. They’ll retract into their shells a little, ease off on their suction to the ground and you’ll be far less likely to hurt them!
great tip
On the point of solely interacting with people through “ID on pants?” It reminded of this incredibly cursed G**gle ad that’s been going around for a few months where someone is seemingly watching video of an influencer who says you’ll never find this jacket and then the person watching uses Google’s AI (🤮) to ID the jacket. We are barreling toward an even more antisocial version of ID culture where you don’t even have to ask someone. You just take a picture of them and have your phone find it for you. I really hope people’s natural desire for interaction curbs the use of that, but they’re pushing it really hard in the ads as this revolutionary way to shop that makes my stomach churn.
yeah obvious benefits to that but also immense downsides !
On the one hand it makes navigation online easier especially with how unhelpful search functions are now. On the other hand, even less friction when it comes to finding clothes online takes so much of the interesting part out of that process. Searching for something online can lead to learning so much about an article of clothing or any other crafted item out there as you weave through forums and websites related to that thing. It can be fun seeing a cool shirt then stumbling into way more knowledge about the history behind it than I bargained for just by trying to find it online. That same experience is even better in person, but plenty of friction online can produce some cool results.
Well put
“gentlemen and gentlewomen never wear a timepiece to a party”... Wait I must say I rather like this idea!
there *is* something nice at its core, to do with "time melting away as you link with friends in a state of social abandon" -- but deeming it rude / uncouth? going too far !
Yes yes - rather than censure, would lean into the timelessness effect - no clocks no watches no phones - could be something!
i love throwing somebody a "great song!" as they walk past ("ID on the pants"-adjacent). hadn't heard the classic Everyone Nose (All the Girls Standing in the Line for the Bathroom) for a couple years until last night, and i brightened up, and the guy brightened up, and i think we both walked at least a couple more blocks feeling better than we otherwise would've
Suggested caveat for "no-show" socks: exercise. While BBSP finally broke me of my habit of occasionally wearing no-show socks with sneakers in my day-to-day summer life - for which, blessings upon you, it looks terrible - I run in a place where it is hot and humid and so (1) socks are a necessity and (2) my legs gotta be free, I don't want sopping wet sock a quarter of the way up my calves. Running socks ftw. ETA: And, unlike in any other context, I don't think it looks bad on me or anyone else. Similar to heather tees in the gym, I suppose.
Plenty of great running and cycling socks that are a nice height. Defeet is great, but lots of other brands which don’t hold sweat. Great for tanlines too.
I'm so happy to hear I'm not the only one completely irritated by people blasting their music! There's a water access only beach that I go to every summer, but I'm not going to go anymore. There's always at least one idiot blasting his music on the boat radio, ruining the scene for everyone else. I give up.
Truly a a hot-take-dilemma for the ages, Jonah: would you rather live in a city where everyone wears headphones or backpacks?
Hahaha 😂
My thoughts on another very well-reasoned, thoughtful 'sletter essay (one reason why I'm more than happy to be one of your patrons), as the Old Broad in the room (celebrating my big Dragon year six-o this year) . . .
1. As a community radio DJ, but someone who also values quiet (which is the aural negative space that makes the positive space of ambient sound pop . . . balance, don'cha know) - I have mixed feelings on the concept you have presented in the 'sletter. I see both sides. I think it might be something that is context/situation-dependent.
2. My mom raised us to be practitioners of S.A.C.R.E.D. - she's escaped spiders and insects back to the wild all my life, and I do the same whenever possible. I think it does indeed make a huge difference in how we human beings respect and appreciate the other beings with whom we share the planet.
Haven't tried giving peanuts to our crows though - will look into the best way to do that!
3. As a former theatrical costume designer, I have been and will always be a steadfast supporter of getting clothing via second-hand, IRL methods. We are lucky enough to have excellent second-hand stores up here in Nevada Country (lots of Bay Area "refugees" up here) - and the cycle of second-hand clothing life is strong . . . but I find great things on Etsy and eBay also.
Well put across the board !
My grandpa in a way implemented S.A.C.R.E.D when I was kid. He stopped me from killing a slug
good on grandpa