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Dec 22, 2020Liked by Blackbird Spyplane

I fuck with this article personally except that darwin's theory of evolution should not be used as expletive. The theory does not exclude itself from the idea of inter-species community, only that individuals suited to their environment pass on their genes and affect the future generations gene pool, which is pretty gorpy IMHO.

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Good point, I’m more referring here to the prominent uses that Darwin has been put to (such as “social Darwinism”) which, you’re right, is not fair to place squarely on his shoulders !!

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Word! Thanks for hearing me out, if you like someone to blame for social darwinism, you're looking for a guy named Herbert Spencer who skimmed Darwin's book and started applying some of darwin's ideas to society

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Blackbird Spyplane

Dang iuno how substack works so maybe too late but this reminds me of Elinor Ostrom's very kindvibed work on how governing the commons is a cooperative and complex (but successful) process, but how the mainstream for a long long time latched on to Hardin's cursed idea of the tragedy of the commons.

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