If your pants look "too big," wear even bigger pants
Jawn Dysmorphic Perceptual Shifts, plus sick shoes, the coolest graphic tee to drop in a minute, handmade jeans & more
Blackbird Spyplane — greatest in the game, back with you once again. Today we’ve got
The coolest shoes to wear in the big pants era
The sickest graphic tee we’ve seen in ages, with a blessed lichen theme
Beautiful unisex handmade indigo-denim jeans
Slapping stepstools ??
And more…
In the summer of 20171 I bought a pair of enormous stonewashed Our Legacy jeans secondhand on eBay. They showed up, I put them on, and I laughed — I was swimming in them.
And yet… the effect was kind of dope? This was a few years removed from the white-hot Acne / A.P.C. “skinny jeans” heyday, and while I’d sized up my pants relatively speaking, I was still running jeans & slacks I’d broadly classify as fitted. Now I’d decided it was time to get roomier still ...
I walked around the cribbo in the new jeans, feeling like 😤 Tim Duncan about to put up 40 against the Lakers in 2001 bro 😤.
I showed the jeans to Erin, then texted a pic to some homies. Everyone concurred: The s**ts were vast, verging on preposterous, but the effect was compelling.
And yet — you could call me M. Night Spyamalan the way I have a ~tWiSt~ in store. Because BELOW LEFT are the “enormous jeans” in question:
WTF! They aren’t big at all! Quite the contrary, the last time I put them on I felt like I was slipping into some jeggings.
My memory of enormousness is distinct. Multiple contemporaneous witnesses corroborated it. But we were all wrong. Or were we??
What we have here is a cascading series of textbook Jawn Dysmorphic Perceptual Shifts that has continued into the present moment. Because here & now, after a few years of wearing baggier old “relaxed fit” Levi’s 550s and 569s, plus even-more-voluminous trousers like Lemaire’s self-belt straight-legs and Evan Kinori’s wide & cropped elastic-waist joints, I recently got a pair of Kinori’s still-wider double-pleated pants. When I first put them on I was like, Chill, I look like Charlie Chaplin. But I kept wearing them, and what do you know, they very quickly started to look “the way pants should” to me, and now pants I used to think were h*lla ample look fitted by comparison !!
The lesson here is simple on its face, but brain-bending in its own way: There is no such thing as “too-big pants,” at least not in any fixed, non-contingent sense.
Because when I first got the Our Legacies in 20172 I was right by 2017 standards that they were big — that’s how I and several people on my wavelength saw them. It’s kind of like how an enormous SUV from 2017 no longer looks enormous because of those hella gnarly gargantuan pickups where they’re so tall you can stack like 40 large children in their blind spots… By this current standard, the Ford Explorer is looking like a Honda Fit.
A Smart Car is looking like a d*mn Razor scooter, baby!!
SO if you’ve tried on, or been road-testing, some big sick pants, but you harbor a lingering concern that they’re “just too big,” the answer is: Wear even bigger pants for a week, then go back to the first pair. Your perception will have recalibrated itself, and if they don’t look too small now, the chances are good they will look thoroughly “reasonable,” if not “just right” on some Pants Goldilocks s**t. This is a way that all style moves, in microcosm.
Speaking of the rise of BIGGER and BIGGER PANTS, they raise another vexing question:
What kinds of shoes should you wear with them?