Which style button up did you go with?

Always a tough choice.

Is it the cotton muslin from the permanent collection?

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Oops! Just saw my 2nd Q had been answered!

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maybe your first question, too? the style is called the "Big Shirt Two"

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Yes exactly what I was wondering. Thank you.

I have a hard time deciding b/w 2 pocket, Big Shirt and Big Shirt II. Feels like the Bigs are most true to the EK feel

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What is that very nice white button up shirt in the top photo? Mantle? Casey? Other?

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Search for “ecru” in the piece and you’ll find it :)

Currently there’s only four in existence — they’re testing a new USA-grown and -milled cotton muslin — but they expect to make more

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man, this sounds really fun but I was exhausted just reading it

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Had 2 go hard for spy nation

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Papa SP rocks https://www.whencanireusethiscalendar.com/ At the risk of blowing up one of my favorite ebay activities, you can search for old linen towel kitchen calendars (my favorite are Vera Neumann) The one I have hanging up this year is also 1996 🥲

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Damn I was just there week before last, would have used the recs. Bookmarked for next time...

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hope you used some of the other NYC reports we've done -- not to mention the intel in the travel chat !


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FSG Annex is cool! Quite a contrast to the downstairs space

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top of the list for next visit

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Missing a marg tower

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what a beautiful journey

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Can’t find AndSon (other than a steakhouse). Can you post an IG or physical address?

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whoops - thx Tyler. we had their IG linked but seems it got gobbled up along the way. have added it back, too

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What purple and brown beauties you rocking on the AirTrain?

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All we can do at the moment is confirm that they *are* beautiful ... and that they will exist in the fall !

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!!! Well damn. Guess I'll to have to bust out my 1996 Life In Hell calendar and make a note to ask you in September

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you'll be 1st to know

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