It might happen again tomorrow, but it won't be the same
Heath Studio Mug Spygiveaway, sick snap-front Japanese sweatshirts and other SS24 slappers & more "gorgeous yet achingly ephemeral" recon
Welcome to Blackbird Spyplane.
In today’s sletter we’ve got:
Our favorite “daily driver” coffee mug — a humble icon of midcentury California design (and also cheeky cig-blasting) — was out of production … today it’s back!
A banger new half-snap sweatshirt from a deep-cut Japanese line
SS24 heat hits two of earth’s best shops — in surprising ways
More gorgeous yet achingly ephemeral recon
Let’s get to it !
If you’ve seen our guide to life-improving staple goods (The B.L.I.S.S. List), you know our favorite coffee mug here at HQ is Heath’s “Studio Mug.” Made right here in the Bay, it’s distinguished by a very charmingly low-slung & elongated loop handle that makes the mug a pleasure to hold & to behold. We loved it even before we learned that it was originally designed by Edith Heath herself back in the 1940s for the swaggy express purpose of CIG-BLASTING while COFFEE-SIPPING (as illustrated above right).
The result is a unique design with a vestigial dart-ripping-multitask functionality that Erin and I (Jonah) get a kick out of even though neither of us rips darts.
Since 2020, sadly, the Studio Mug has been out of production. The handle requires extra finesse, as we understand it, and so the s**t was put on hiatus during the pandemic when Heath’s manufacturing capacities were strained... But that hiatus ends now !
Yes — as of today, the Studio Mug is back in a limited-edition two-color re-up: “Glacier” and “Clove,” as collaged above.
To mark the occasion, we’re linking with the Spyfriends at Heath to treat Spy Nation to a few of them. Between now and this coming Saturday morning, our Classified Tier subscribers can toss their names in the Virtual Bucket Hat by smashing the button at the bottom of this email. We’ll fish out 8 lucky Spyfriends at random, whom Heath will bless with the d*mn mugs.
One more reason to come on behind the Recon Curtain if you haven’t yet.
Meanwhile —
Several sick new SS24 pieces from a deep-cut Japanese line just dropped — including a fantastic half-snap pullover sweatshirt and some wide post-GORP pants…