In today’s newsletter we’ve got
Cla$$ified early access to a Special Spyplane Edit of beautiful new unisex natural-dyed clothes — with a massive 40%-off Spyfriend Homie Price
Intel on a sick new NYC-made Dyneema GORPSACK dropping this weekend — with a Spygiveaway for 1 of ‘em
A fire throwback t-shirt trend — with a bunch of gems coppable for the low !
One of the hazards of coming up with profound mindsets as often as we do is that, if you go ~a week without a new one, you and your enormous readership risks suffering from Mindset Withdrawal. Absent a fresh mindset to help you organize the mad chaos of life?? You start to feel rudderless… pummeled by brute, inchoate sensation… in a word: nervous.
The idea of weaning yourself off mindsets altogether might work for some of these smooth-brain bozos, but it’s a nonstarter for the Big-Brained Life Enjoyer. The only recourse during a “mindset drought” is either to read back through the Spyplane Profound Essay Archives OR to “snort a quick line” of any stray mindset crumbs lying around, until a proper massive horizon-expander comes around…
M.A.S.M.Y. (Mock a S.T.U.D.E.N.T., Mock Yourself) Mindset is a quick, high-potency mindset with a secondary mindset nested inside itself for a 2-stage epiphanic hit — and it’s deeply relevant to Spy Nation, who balance taste and knowledge with curiosity & humility.
It boils down to this: If you know something someone else doesn’t know, and in the course of conversation they reveal their ignorance to you — in some stumbling, ungainly, potentially embarrassing way, but in the context of a genuine eagerness to learn — they are a student, and you must not mock them.
Because in this topsy-turvy modern world, full of unkindness and windbag bluster, S.T.U.D.E.N.T. (Seeking These Unending Discoveries and Electrified Neurons Tirelessly) Mindset is something impossibly beautiful and impossibly fragile. To make fun of it is to corrode yr own soul — to estrange yourself from what’s most beautiful about humanity, and to forget that you are, at your best, a student too.
Yes, the temptation to dunk on people is strong these days — in part because casual cruelty has become ever-more routinized, and in part because there’s hella dumb*sses out there spouting hogwash. But the M.A.S.M.Y. practitioner, while prepared to dunk righteously on a clown, strives to know the difference and, when uncertain, to err on the side of patience.
Who knows? That seeming dumb*ss might actually be a S.T.U.D.E.N.T., and they might teach you something in return.
Mach 3+ Spyfriends know about the great clothes 11.11 makes — natural-dyed, using organic cottons, linens & other natural fibers, and cut in the kinds of roomy, unisex-friendly silhouettes we love…
The other day 11.11 designer & Spyfriend Mia Morikawa hit us up with an unbeatable question: Did we want to do a tight “Spyplane Edit” of 11.11’s AW23 collection and invite our Cla$$ified Spyfriends to cop at a generous Spydiscount??
We took a spin through the collection and within moments we knew our answer was a resounding, “H*ll yeah.” We’re talking ill button-ups in handwoven linen and overdyed striped silk … uneven-dye button-front knit polos… patchwork shirts … hand-knit ecru sweater vests … beautiful bandanas … these good muddy raglan-sleeve sweatshirts ….
… the MONSTER tonal brown-denim-suit ensemble pictured below — 😮💨
And more !!
Our full 12-piece unisex capsule and the 40% Spydiscount is live for our Cla$$ified readers NOW, til June 4.
11.11’s clothes are made to order. For these pieces Mia says that she’s “comfortable promising 8-10 weeks” as far as “the delivery window” — though some pieces “might dispatch a week or 2 earlier.” Right in time for the start of Autumn either way.
Here’s the link & secret codes: